Member Rights, Perks, and Responsibilities
(Member R,P,&R)
Last updated
(Member R,P,&R)
Last updated
Non- Members participate in meetings and earn Cupcake NFTs
A non-member that recieves a Legendz NFT from the ChainGPT collection can request an invite to the Mechanical Cupcake Cooperative and become a Council Member with voting priviliges and weight. Any non-member can accept their invitation and decline Council Membership giving them Basic Member R,P,&R.
Any Member can create an Origin Story and submit a proposal to the Council for approval into the Mythology.
Our Goal is to learn how to use Story Protocol to develop IP Assets for eventual commercial use and passive income. Members will travel across the realm together on this journey!
Reach out to Ernest of Gaia via the Telegram mCups Group if you have any questions @EarnestPermaculture